
What is meditation and how it can make all the difference.

What is Meditation and how it can make a difference?

Meditation is one of the modalities used in Ayurveda, the comprehensive, natural health care system that originated in the ancient Vedic times of India.


Now, Meditation is playing an increasing role in our busy lives. It’s become an important tool to take care of ourselves in an uncertain world. Meditation and its various forms promote good health by reducing stress, anxiety, and improved self-control.


Research suggests that it relaxes the nervous system, calms the mind, quiets negative self-talk. Which results in feeling less stressed, reduced muscle tension and increased positive thinking. Meditation activates the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in reduced heart rate and brings the body back into a state of calm.

How to meditate

 Meditation helps us tune into our present moment, by concentrating on our breathe.

 1. Find a comfortable position either sitting or lying down, where you won’t be disturbed.

 2. Relax your body and you can close your eyes or just soften your gaze.

 3.. Pay attention to your breath, don’t try to change anything just notice your breath inhaling and exhaling.

 4. Notice how you are feeling, again don’t try to change anything just continue to focus on your breath. 

 5. If any thoughts pop into your mind, just acknowledge them and let them drift though, then return your focus back to your breath.

 6.  You can introduce a Mantra if you’d like, you say it silently in your head to help you to keep focused and keep wandering thoughts out.

 7.  To finish gently open your eyes, take a deep breath, and stretch. Then carry on with your day.




Mantras and Malas

Mantras are Sanskrit saying that you can use, each one has a different intention. 

 Below are a couple of examples:

 So Hum = translated as ‘I Am That’

(So) would be said on the inhale breath.

(Hum) is said on the exhalation.

 This slowly relaxes the nervous system, quiets the mind, and reduces any tension in the muscles.

 Sat Nam    = translates as ‘true identity’

Chanted in meditation it is believed to awaken the soul and create a deeper connection to the divine truth within.

 Om = translate as the universal sound.

Helps quiet and calm the mind removing negative self-talk and anxiety.

 You can also use Mala beads or meditation bracelets to keep your focus.  Move your fingers one bead along the Mala or the bracelet during each exhalation or completion of your mantra.

How long you meditate is up to you, you can start with just five minutes a day, and increase it as you get more comfortable. You can set a timer if you’d like or just see how long you can do it naturally.

“A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.”

~ Lao Tzu


“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there.”

~ Deepak Chopra M.D.

“Meditation gives you an opportunity to come to know your invisible self.  It allows you empty yourself of the endless hyperactivity of your mind, and to attain calmness.”

~  Dr. Wayne Dyer